1. Dalil Al QuranDan Allah telah menjanjikan kepada orang2 beriman di antara kamu dan yg mengerjakan amal soleh, bahawa mereka sesungguhnya akan dijadikan khalifah yg berkuasa di muka bumi inisebagaimana telah dijadikan khalifah orang2 sebelum mereka, dan sungguh Dia akan meneguhkan bagi mereka agama yg telah diredhaiNya untuk mereka, dan dia benar2 akan menukar [keadaan] mereka, sesudah mereka berada dalam ketakutan menjadi aman sentiasa’An Nur: 55
2. Dalil Al Hadis
Dari Nukman bin Basyir, katanya…
‘Suatu ketika kami sedang duduk2 di Masjid Nabawi dan Basyir itu seorang yg tidak banyak bercakap.
Datanglah Abu Saklabah lalu berkata” Wahai Basyir bin Saad, adakah kamu hafaz hadis Rasulullah tentang para pemerintah?’
Huzaifah RA lalu segera menjawab.” Aku hafaz akan khutbah Rasulullah SAW itu.”
Maka duduklah Abu Saklabah Al Khusyna untuk mendengar hadis berkenaan.
Maka kata Huzaifah RA, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda.
“Telah berlaku Zaman Kenabian ke atas kamu, maka berlakulah Zaman Kenabian sebagaimana yang Allah kehendaki. Kemudian Allah mengangkat zaman itu sepertiyg Dia kehendaki.”
Kemudian belakulah zaman Kekhalifahan (Khulafaur Rasyidin) yang berjalan sepertimana Zaman Kenabian. Maka berlakulah zaman itu sebagaimana yang Allah kehendaki. Kemudian Allah mengangkatnya.
Lalu berlakulah zaman pemerintahan yang mengigit (Zaman Fitnah -keamiran/beraja /zaman kesultanan ) Berlakulah zaman itu seperti yang Allah kehendaki. Kemudian Allah mengangkatnya pula.
Kemudian berlakulah zaman penindasan dan zaman penzaliman(Zaman pemerintahan diktator dan demokrasi) dan berlakulah zaman itu seperti mana yang Allah kehendaki.
Kemudian berlakulah pula zaman kekhalifahan (Imam Mahdi dan Nabi Isa as ) yang berjalan di atas cara hidup Zaman Kenabian.”
Kemudian Rasulullah SAW pun diam….
~Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal di dalamkitabnya Musnad Al Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Juzuk 4, halaman 273.Juga terdapat dalam kitab As-Silsilatus Sahihah, Jilid 1,hadis nombor 5.]
The followings are extracted from the book:-
Narrated by the late Grand Muhaddith of Morocco, Shaykh Abdullah ben Sadek Al Ghumari , Ph.D,(1914 - 1993) may Allah be pleased with him
1. The Youth of Tamimi
The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,was among a group of migrants and supporters.Ali, the son of Abi Talib was on his left side and Abbas on his right sidewhen Abbas and a man from the supporters started to debatewith one another.The supporter spoke harshly to Abbas,then the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him,took the hand of Abbas and the hand of Ali and said:
“From the loins of this (indicating to Abbas)will come a youth who will fill the earth with transgression and injusticeand from the loins of this (indicating to Ali)a man who will fill the earth with fairness and justice.If you see this pay attention to the Tamimi youth who will comefrom the direction of the east — he is the owner of theBanner of Al Mahdi.”
Al Hasan Al Basri said:
“A man of medium stature will come from Ar-Ray (a far-eastern town).He will be dark and from the children of Tamim -a Wasaj, named Shuayb son of Salih with four thousand men.Their clothes will be white and Banners black,and at his front is Al Mahdi.He meets no one that he does not defeat and scatter”.
Ka’b, the son of Alkamah said:
“In front of the Banner of Al Mahdi will come a youthwhose beard is yellowish and thin.If he fights the mountains, he will destroy themuntil he reaches Alya’.”
2. Black Banners from the EAST asking for the truth
Ibn Masood reported: “We went to the Messenger of Allah,praise and peace be upon him,and he came out with good news -and happiness was easily recognizable upon his face.When we asked him about a matterhe would tell us about it,and we were never silent about anything until he spoke of it,
until a party from the Bani Hashim passed byamongst whom were Al Hasan and Al Hussain, peace be upon them.When he saw them he hugged them with tears in his eyes,so we asked:
‘O Messenger of Allah’we see something has changed your face which distresses us
‘Thereupon he replied:
‘We are a Family of a Housefor whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than the present.After me my family will be refugees,
driven out of countries until the Black Banners are raised in the east.
They will ask for the truthbut they will not be given it,so they will ask again for it,and they will not be given it ,so they will fight and be given victory.
Those of you or your descendants who live during that timego to the Imam of the Family of my houseeven if you have to crawl over ice to him.
Indeed, they are banners of guidance.
They will deliver it to a man from the Family of my Househis name is the same as my name,and the name of his father is the same as my father,and he will fill the ground with fairness and justice.
3. Black Banners from the East
“The Black Banners will come from the East forthe children of Al Abbas.Then there will remain whatsoever Allah wishes.Then, small Black Banners will cometo fight a man from the children of Abu Sufyan from the East.They will give their allegiance to Al Mahdi.
“Allah will send a Black Banner from the East,and Allah will give victory to whosoever supports it.Whosoever does not support it, Allah will forsake them!
4. Hearts like Iron
“The Black Banners will come to you from the East,their hearts are like iron.Whosoever hears about themlet them go crawling — even over ice!”
5. The Government of Al Mahdi:
“People will come from the eastand will establish the government for Al Mahdi.”
6. Al Mahdi : Resemble an Arab or an Israel
“Al Mahdi is a man from my children.His face is like a glittering star,his skin is the color of an Arab,and his body is like that of Israel.He will fill the earth with justicejust as it will have been filled by injustice,and the dwellers of Heaven and Earthwill be pleased with his Caliphate.”
“If only one day remains in the world,Allah will send a man with a name like mine.His manners will be likened to my manners.”
“Al Mahdi is a man from my childrenhis color is that of the Arab,and his body is like that of Israel.On his right cheek there is a molethat glitters like a star.”
7. Al Mahdi with his banner
Al Mahdi will come upon his Banner and the herald will proclaim:‘This is Al Mahdi, the Caliph of Allah so follow him!”
8. A group keep fighting for the truthA group from my nation will keep fighting for the truthuntil Jesus, the son of Mary descends at dawn in theMosque of Jerusalem.He will approach Al Mahdi who will say:‘O Prophet of Allah, come, lead us in prayer.’
But he will decline saying:‘This nation has princes over each other’
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